Chat gpt ai writing assistant for artists and entrepreneurs
Chat gpt ai writing assistant for artists and entrepreneursThe most common thing I’ve heard from artists in business online is that writing promotional copy and descriptions can be so much work as to be a barrier or a dealbreaker to getting products out in the world. I’ve tried half a dozen ai writing tools, and this one is the best so far. It actually provides a plausible solution. https://chat.openai.com/ Read the instructions and type in a request with whatever info you have available… Check out the input compared to the output on some...imagehttps://media1-production-mightynetworks.imgix.net/asset/51232914/41E97D68-0C43-4440-98EC-99BDBEB71176.jpeg?ixlib=rails-4.2.0&fm=jpg&q=75&auto=format&w=1200&h=630&fit=max&impolicy=ResizeCrop&constraint=downsize&aspect=fit